OXG x Franciscan University: Professional Mentoring Program

The Oxenham Group has partnered with The Office for Personal Vocation at Franciscan University to create a professional mentoring program conducted by Business Advisory Board member and FUS alum Bill McGuckin. 

As the Co-Owner and CEO of the Oxenham Group of Companies (OXG), McGuckin helped create this program to help Franciscan University students discern their personal vocation as related to their post-graduation employment and career. 

The one semester program will focus on three main areas that OXG believes are the key to finding success and satisfaction in a particular role: 

  1. Mission: What type of company does a student personally align with and why?

  2. Leadership: What type of leader would optimize a student’s unique skill set?

  3. Career Narrative: What type of role would propel a student’s career and allow the student to make a positive impact on the company and industry?

The mentoring program will kick off at the start of the Fall 2023 semester with two students identified by the Dean for Personal Vocation. Each student will receive one on one coaching sessions from McGuckin throughout the semester that they will be expected to prepare specific work for each session with the goal of identifying, embracing and articulating their own values, priorities, and skills as they enter the business world.


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